5 years for attempted arson

A previously-convicted arsonist has been jailed for five years by Judge Frank O'Donnell at Dublin Circuit Criminal Court for …

A previously-convicted arsonist has been jailed for five years by Judge Frank O'Donnell at Dublin Circuit Criminal Court for attempted arson of a house and a threat to kill a resident there.

Edward Sherlock (44), Ballybough Avenue, Ballybough, Dublin, and his co-accused, Christina O'Keefe (25), Derry Park, Crumlin, poured petrol through a letterbox of the victim's home on June 2nd, 2004 in the early hours of the morning.

They had been spotted nearby a few minutes beforehand lighting a container outside Cusack's Pub on the North Strand and gardaí and Dublin Fire Brigade were alerted.

Sherlock pleaded guilty to attempted arson and making a threat to kill or cause serious harm.


He jailed Sherlock for five years to be served concurrently. Sherlock had 50 previous convictions, including a four-year sentence for arson, and was on suspension at the time of these offences.