€60m for homeless accommodation

THE GOVERNMENT has approved €60 million to buy houses and apartments under a plan to provide housing for homeless people, the…

THE GOVERNMENT has approved €60 million to buy houses and apartments under a plan to provide housing for homeless people, the elderly and those with physical or mental disabilities.

Minister for Housing Michael Finneran said yesterday the money would be used to buy 431 units of accommodation for people capable of living independently in settings where low-level care supports are available.

He said the purchases undertaken by approved housing bodies would take advantage of the good value to be had in the market. More than 100 of the units will provide long-term accommodation for people who are moving out of temporary shelters, said Mr Finneran, who has set a State target of eliminating long-term homelessness by the end of this year.

Mr Finneran said he was working towards the target but admitted it was still unclear if enough housing could be provided to deliver the policy by year’s end.


“I can’t give a definite figure on how many of the 1,200 required tenancies have been delivered so far . . . but if we do stretch into 2011 it will be a continuation of the current policy.”

NGOs have warned that the Government’s flagship “Pathway to Home” strategy to eradicate long-term homelessness will fail unless it can deliver the promised units of accommodation. Mr Finneran said he had decided to increase the €25 million originally announced for the social housing initiative to €60 million. However, a parallel Government scheme to lease property from private owners to deliver accommodation for the homeless has failed to generate much interest.

Approved housing bodies in all 32 local authorities will receive funding to buy property under the scheme.