75% of primary schools have no sports hall -survey

Three in four primary schools in Ireland don't have a sports hall for PE, it was claimed today.

Three in four primary schools in Ireland don't have a sports hall for PE, it was claimed today.

A Fine Gael survey of PE facilities at 1,400 schools also found that half had no indoor facilities at all and another 50 per cent lacked a playing pitch.

Sports spokesperson and former PE teacher Jimmy Deenihan TD, slammed the findings as depressing and said a lack of PE facilities was leading to rising obesity levels and other health problems for the future.

"PE facilities in our primary schools have been devastated by government neglect," he said.


"Half had no indoor facilities whatsoever which means in bad weather, PE becomes impossible."

The questionnaire survey found:

  • Over 800 principals identified inadequate facilities/equipment as the main barrier to providing PE classes.
  • Over 75 per cent of schools had no sports hall.
  • Over 45 per cent of schools surveyed had no playing pitch.
  • Over 400 schools had no access to a swimming pool.
  • Students in a quarter of the schools surveyed receive less than an hour of PE per week.

Mr Deenihan said that primary schools were often the first opportunity that children get to participate in sport.

"Providing appropriate PE time and facilities is a way in which children can develop an 'exercise habit' which will help combat obesity and contribute to lifelong health.

"As things stand we are actively storing up health problems for the future with heart disease and diabetes being a particular concern."

The North Kerry TD also warned that the low participation of girls in sport has a long-term implication for women's health as it has been shown that weight-bearing exercise is a strong preventative measure against osteoporosis.

He added: "It is the responsibility of the Government to ensure the provision of appropriate PE facilities and this survey shows it is singularly failing in that duty.

"The response of the current Government to date has been abysmal. In 2002 it discontinued the PE Grant and has instructed overcrowded schools to use their General Purpose Areas as classrooms."

Mr Deenihan said that Fine Gael in Government would commit itself to building of sports facilities that can be used both by schools and the local community."