€800m tourism funding welcomed

The tourism industry has been allocated funding of €800 million in the National Development Plan to help with marketing, training…

The tourism industry has been allocated funding of €800 million in the National Development Plan to help with marketing, training and product development.

Some €148 million is to be spent on training and human resource development in the period to 2013, while a further €137 million has been allocated for product development and innovation. The bulk of the remainder will go towards marketing.

The Irish Hotels Federation said the funding recognises the significance of tourism as a major contributor to the success of the Irish economy.

"In addition, the IHF welcomes the allocation of over €3.6 billion for sports, culture and heritage infrastructure, which are major stimulants in developing tourism throughout the country," said IHF president Annette Devine.


The allocation of €34 billion to improving transport infrastructure will also aid tourism by improving access to the regions, Ms Devine added.

"Improvements in this regard will assist the regional spread of tourism and assist the newly created Regional Tourism Development Boards fulfil their marketing objectives and increase tourism activities in the regions."

The Irish Tourist Industry Confederation (ITIC) also welcomed the NDP, saying it "particularly commended the Government for its very strong endorsement of the tourism industry as a vitally important source of economic activity into the future".