9 skippers fined for illegal fishing

Fines and costs totalling £85,500 were levied on the skippers of nine English and Spanish fishing vessels at Cork Criminal Circuit…

Fines and costs totalling £85,500 were levied on the skippers of nine English and Spanish fishing vessels at Cork Criminal Circuit Court yesterday. In addition, fish and gear worth nearly £114,000, which was seized when Irish naval vessels boarded the trawlers on dates between March and October last, were ordered forfeited by Judge A.G. Murphy.

Eight of the men pleaded guilty to failing to keep a proper log book and one admitted retaining undersized fish, offences under the regulations related to illegal fishing.

Mr Rory Conway, for the defence, said had the men not pleaded guilty, there might have been a question of the naval vessels being in breach of the correct identification procedures. In a previous similar case, in which the Naval Service was not flying a particular flag, and there was a guilty plea, the judge had taken the view that the fines should be reduced.

Judge Murphy said he would impose a fine of £8,000 with £1,500 costs in each case, bearing Mr Conway's point in mind.