A Dream of Solstice

Qual e colui che sognando vede,

Qual e colui che sognando vede,

che dopo 'l sogno la passione impressa

rimane, e l'altro a la mente non riede,

cotal son io . . .


Dante, Paradiso, Canto xxxiii

Like somebody who sees things when he's dreaming

And after the dream lives with the aftermath

Of what he felt, no other trace remaining,

So I live now, for what I saw departs

And is almost lost, although a distilled sweetness

Still drops from it into my inner heart.

It is the same with snow the sun releases,

The same as when in wind, the hurried leaves

Swirl round your ankles and the shaking hedges

That had flopped their catkin cuff-lace and green sleeves

Are sleet-whipped bare. Dawn light began stealing

Through the cold universe to County Meath,

Over weirs where the Boyne water, fulgent, darkling,

Turns its thick axle, over rick-sized stones

Millennia deep in their own unmoving

And unmoved alignment. And now the planet turns

Earth brow and templed earth, the corbelled rock

And unsunned tonsure of the burial mounds,

I stand with pilgrims, tourists, media folk

And all admitted to the wired-off hill.

Headlights of juggernauts heading for Dundalk,

Flight 104 from New York audible

As it descends on schedule into Dublin,

Boyne Valley Centre Car Park already full,

Waiting for seedling light on roof and windscreen.

And as in illo tempore people marked

The king's gold dagger when he plunged it in

To the hilt in unsown ground, to start the work

Of the world again, to speed the plough

And plant the riddled grain, we watch through murk

And overboiling cloud for the milted glow

Of sunrise, for an eastern dazzle

To send first light like share-shine in a furrow

Steadily deeper, farther available,

Creeping along the floor of the passage grave

To backstone and capstone, to hold its candle

Inside the cosmic hill. Who dares say "love"

At this cold coming? Who would not dare say it?

Is this the moved wheel that the poet spoke of,

The star pivot? Life's perseid in the ashpit

Of the dead? Like his, my speech cannot

Tell what the mind needs told: an infant tongue

Milky with breast milk would be more articulate.

e colui che sognando vede,

che dopo `l sogno la passione impressa

rimane, e l'altro a la mente non riede,

cotal son io . . .

Dante, Paradiso, Canto xxxiii

Like somebody who sees things when he's dreaming

And after the dream lives with the aftermath

Of what he felt, no other trace remaining,

So I live now, for what I saw departs

And is almost lost, although a distilled sweetness

Still drops from it into my inner heart.

It is the same with snow the sun releases,

The same as when in wind, the hurried leaves

Swirl round your ankles and the shaking hedges

That had flopped their catkin cuff-lace and green sleeves

Are sleet-whipped bare. Dawn light began stealing

Through the cold universe to County Meath,

Over weirs where the Boyne river, fulgent, darkling,

Turns its thick axle, over rick-sized stones

Millennia deep in their own unmoving

And unmoved alignment. And now the planet turns

Earth brow and templed earth, the corbelled rock

And unsunned tonsure of the burial mounds,

I stand with pilgrims, tourists, media folk

And all admitted to the wired-off hill.

Headlights of juggernauts heading for Dundalk,

Flight 104 from New York audible

As it descends on schedule into Dublin,

Boyne Valley Centre Car Park already full,

Waiting for seedling light on roof and windscreen.

And as in illo tempore people marked

The king's gold dagger when he plunged it in

To the hilt in unsown ground, to start the work

Of the world again, to speed the plough

And plant the riddled grain, we watch through murk

And overboiling cloud for the milted glow

Of sunrise, for an eastern dazzle

To send first light like share-shine in a furrow

Steadily deeper, farther available,

Creeping along the floor of the passage grave

To backstone and capstone, to hold its candle

Inside the cosmic hill. Who dares say "love"

At this cold coming? Who would not dare say it?

Is this the moved wheel that the poet spoke of,

The star pivot? Life's perseid in the ashpit

Of the dead? Like his, my speech cannot

Tell what the mind needs told: an infant's tongue

Milky with breast milk would be more articulate.