A Dublin of 700,000 inhabitants

Among the recommendations of the Town Planning Consultants appointed by the Corporation of Dublin are the following:

Among the recommendations of the Town Planning Consultants appointed by the Corporation of Dublin are the following:

(1) The new Metropolitan Cathedral to be built on Lower Ormond quay, to face the river. The proposed Merrion square site is not approved by the Consultants.

(2) No time to be lost in proceeding with the plan for a Central Highway running from Great George's street to the Broadstone area. This involves the replacement of the Metal Bridge by a new bridge for vehicular traffic.

(3) New Municipal Buildings on the Christ Church side of Parliament street.


(4) The buildings between Christ Church Cathedral and the river to be removed so as to permit a clear view of the Cathedral from O'Connell Bridge. The cleared frontage to be ["]terraced.["]

(5) Future Government buildings to be concentrated in the areas adjacent to Leinster House.

(6) A rise-and-fall bridge adjoining the big gasometer as a link completing an East Circular road from the north to the south city. Proposals for a tunnel at this site and for a tunnel bridge at Ringsend are rejected.

(7) 'Bus stations at Aston's quay and Fishamble street, car parks at Marlborough street and Cathal Brugha street.

(8) New wide highways from Christchurch place to Crumlin, and from the Four Courts to Cabra.

(9) Housing to be provided for a future population of 700,000.

(10) The city to be surrounded by a ["]green belt.["]

(11) Satellite settlements to be located at Tallaght, Lucan, Swords and other points. Emphasis is laid on the need of playgrounds and open spaces.

The three Consultants who have signed the report are Professor Patrick Abercrombie, Mr Sydney Kelly and Mr Manning Robertson.

The Irish Times, November 4th, 1939.