A view to Kells

The recent spread in the Property section about the Headfort demesne in Kells, Co Meath indicated that there was a touch of gold…

The recent spread in the Property section about the Headfort demesne in Kells, Co Meath indicated that there was a touch of gold in the district, but the 700 or so who turned up for the opening of the new housing estate were surprised, nevertheless, to see James Bond's gadget boffin, Q, among the guests. Otherwise known as actor Desmond Llewelyn, he is a good friend of the scheme's American-born architect, Jane de Roquancourt, and was there to lend her support. Llewelyn said he was pleased to be in Pierce Brosnan's home county; the crew has just finished filming the latest James Bond epic and is off to Boston for the first round of pre-release publicity work.