Abduction claims a hoax - gardai

The claims of a teenage girl that she was abducted in Galway city centre and forced to travel to Dublin, before being sexually…

The claims of a teenage girl that she was abducted in Galway city centre and forced to travel to Dublin, before being sexually assaulted, have been described by gardai as "an elaborate hoax" designed to seek attention.

Earlier this week the girl said she had been approached by a man in Eyre Square who threatened to kill her if she did not get on a coach to Dublin. She said he assaulted her when they got off the bus in the capital. i took the matter seriously a serious view of the matter when she made a complaint, but an investigation determined that she concocted the story and had never been assaulted. But a Garda spokesman said the girl admitted during an interview she had concocted the story.