Absent-minded Actor

The following story is told of Harry Webb, the comedian who was at one time lessee of the Queen's Theatre, Dublin

The following story is told of Harry Webb, the comedian who was at one time lessee of the Queen's Theatre, Dublin. Webb was producing Macbeth at the Queen's, with special scenic effects. In the third scene the exit of the three witches was concealed by a screen of clouds, and, Webb, who himself played the part of a witch, went round to the front to observe the effect produced. Seeing only two witches, "in thunder, lightning and in rain", he rushed behind the scenes and roared at the prompter: "Where's the other witch? Fine him, sir, fine him a week's salary."

"Please, sir," ventured the prompter, "it's yourself that's missed the scene." "Bless me," exclaimed Webb, "so it was. Here, give me a cloak, I'll go on in the next scene; and fine yourself, Jenkins; fine yourself five shillings for letting me neglect my business."

The Irish Times, June 19th, 1930.