Abuse inquiry places ad seeking witnesses

The Laffoy inquiry into institutional child abuse has invited evidence about an industrial school in Co Longford from witnesses…

The Laffoy inquiry into institutional child abuse has invited evidence about an industrial school in Co Longford from witnesses other than alleged victims.

The invitation, in a newspaper advertisement, identifies Our Lady of Succour Industrial School, in Newtownforbes, and asks persons who have knowledge of the institution through professional, social or other contact to come forward.

The request also extends to former residents "who consider that their experience of life in the institution was positive".

The advertisement is expected to be the first in a series naming individual institutions and is in keeping with the "framework of procedures" outlined by the commission last November.


That document followed a review of the commission's work after last June's deadline for receipt of statements from complainants. Introducing the framework, the commission's investigation committee explained the new procedures reflected its experience to date of dealing with allegations:

"The experience has been that, in the main and with few exceptions, the respondents have adopted an adversarial, defensive and legalistic approach."

The majority of allegations were being contested, or strict proof was being demanded, the committee added.

"The inevitable consequence of this approach will be an increase in the amount of detailed evidence which would otherwise have to be heard."

The framework proposed, in addition to the statements from alleged victims already received, to gather evidence from all "other" sources, including residents with positive experiences of the the institutions in question.

The closing date for information about the Longford school is March 15th.

Frank McNally

Frank McNally

Frank McNally is an Irish Times journalist and chief writer of An Irish Diary