Acupuncturist is alleged to have made video tapes of naked female patients

AN acupuncturist indecently assaulted a female client and made video tapes of women who apparently consented to strip and wear…

AN acupuncturist indecently assaulted a female client and made video tapes of women who apparently consented to strip and wear a blindfold during "treatment", according to allegations being investigated by gardai.

The man, a foreign national in his 40s, was questioned by gardai who recovered video recordings from his premises. However, it is, understood the man, who does not yet face charges, has left the State and may be in North America.

Gardai are seeking further witnesses and a senior officer said yesterday the investigation was continuing. It is understood the man made video recordings of a number of women naked on a treatment bed at his offices.

Some of the video tapes recovered by gardai are understood to show the man in a room where a female patient is lying naked and blindfold on the bed.


The case was brought to the attention of the gardai last August by a woman who claimed the man had persuaded her to strip and place a blindfold over her eyes. The woman reported that the man had told her that his "treatments" for allergies, stress, back pain and other "medical problems" consisted of the patient stripping and wearing a blindfold to assist in a process off relaxation. Once on the bed, in this state, the man applied treatment with acupuncturist needles.

It is understood she, like several other women, consented to the treatment. But she became alarmed when the man allegedly massaged between her thighs.

The man, who claims to be a qualified medical doctor with various diplomas in acupuncture and "oriental" medicines, is believed to have had a reasonably large client list, including at least one female television personality.

The woman who made the initial complaint has expressed concern at the delay in bringing charges. But garda sources said yesterday that the case so far has involved detailed discussions with the Director of Public Prosecutions and that further witnesses were being sought.

Without any charges and with no powers to constrain the man's movements he was free to leave the State. It is believed the man was questioned by gardai in Rathmines Station last year and was confronted with the allegations against him. He was released and a file sent to the DPP.

The garda file is expected to be completed in the next two or three, weeks and will be submitted again to the DPP with a recommendation for prosecution under indecency laws.