Adams meets envoy

The Sinn Fein president, Mr Gerry Adams, has had a meeting in Belfast with a member of President Clinton's administration

The Sinn Fein president, Mr Gerry Adams, has had a meeting in Belfast with a member of President Clinton's administration. The US Deputy National Security Adviser, Mr Jim Steinberg, is in Northern Ireland to assess views on whether Mr Clinton should make a return visit in advance of the May 22nd referendum.

After meeting Mr Steinberg last night, Mr Adams said he had commended Mr Clinton for his continued interest, concern and involvement in the search for peace. However, the murders of two Catholics, Ciaran Heffron and Adrian Lamph, in recent days showed there was still not peace, Mr Adams said.

Mr Adams will raise with the British Prime Minister, Mr Tony Blair, today what he described as the need to scale down British military presence, the release of prisoners, the disbandment of the RUC and support for Irish language schools.