Adams says SF will get Commons facilities

Sinn Féin will be given full use of facilities at Westminster after the UK general election, party president Mr Gerry Adams predicted…

Sinn Féin will be given full use of facilities at Westminster after the UK general election, party president Mr Gerry Adams predicted today.

 Gerry Adams
Sinn Féin president Mr Gerry Adams

But he refused to say if he has been given assurances by the government his party will be given an office in parliament.

"I don't want to go any further than I've gone, except to say that we have talked to the British government about all of this at the very highest level and we intend to pursue this matter," he said.

The use of facilities for MPs refusing to take the oath were withdrawn by the then speaker, Ms Betty Boothroyd, after the last election following pressure from unionists.


Mr Adams said the onus was now on Prime Minister Mr Tony Blair to restore 150 years of parliamentary tradition.

The way to tackle them [decommissioning issues] is to send back to the negotiating table strong teams who have a commitment to resolving these matters on the basis of the Good Friday Agreement.
Mr Gerry Adams

The Sinn Féin leader was speaking at a press conference in west Belfast to unveil his party's Westminster candidates. It is the first time Sinn Féin has stood candidates in all 18 constituencies in Northern Ireland.

On the issue of IRA decommissioning Mr Adams said the peace process would be strengthened by an increased Sinn Féin mandate.

"All of these issues in terms of arms and demilitarisation and in terms of policing are all issues that need to be tackled and the way to tackle them is to send back to the negotiating table strong teams who have a commitment to resolving these matters on the basis of the Good Friday Agreement," he said.