Adjournment in RTE libel case

A High Court action in which the Fianna Fail TD, Ms Beverly Cooper-Flynn, alleges she was libelled in a series of RTE broadcasts…

A High Court action in which the Fianna Fail TD, Ms Beverly Cooper-Flynn, alleges she was libelled in a series of RTE broadcasts, has been adjourned to next year.

In proceedings against RTE journalist Charlie Bird, and a retired farmer, Mr James Howard, of Accord Way, Wheaton Hall, Drogheda, Co Louth, Ms Cooper-Flynn alleges she was libelled in a series of broadcasts between June 19th 1998 and July 1st 1998.

Seeking the adjournment, Mr Kevin Feeney SC, for RTE, said a central witness in the case was in the later stages of her pregnancy. She was unwell and unable to attend and give evidence at this stage.