Admissions to Holles Street Hospital

Dr Declan Keane's letter to family doctors

Dr Declan Keane's letter to family doctors

Thursday 21st October 2004.

Re: New procedures for booking Obstetric Patients to NMH.

Dear Doctor,


Obstetric activity levels in the National Maternity Hospital peak in the months of May through to September on an annual basis. The increase in activity is often coupled with a reduced staff complement. In order to address this, it has been decided to limit the number of obstetric patients booking for delivery in these peak months to ensure continuing prioritisation of patient care.

This new procedure commenced on Monday 18th October 2004. From this date all obstetric patients booking for deliver must now firstly go through the National Maternity Hospital Central Booking Agent (CBA).

Telephone Number: 01 637 3175

Hours: 8.30 - 16.00 Monday to Friday.

The patient will be asked for the normal registration details + her LMP/EDD. If there is capacity the patient will then be given a Booking Reference Number (BRN). No patient can be accepted for a clinic appointment without first having a BRN. On receiving the BRN the patient can then register at her chosen clinic and make her 1st visit appointment.

This new system applies to all months, but there will be a cap placed on the months of June, July, August and September 2005. When the quota has been reached for the capped months the patient will be informed that the hospital is booked out, regardless of previous history. Unbooked emergency obstetric patients who present to the hospital will be seen; however, this does not guarantee a booking. These patients will also be asked to contact the CBA for a BRN.

Thank you for your co-operation,

Yours sincerely,


National Maternity Hospital,

Holles Street,

Dublin 2.