Do not visit the countryside.
Avoid all hunting, fishing, shooting, hill-walking, rambling, climbing or other rural activities which involve movement across farmland.
If travel to a rural areas is necessary, do not travel to the countryside. Do not mix with farm animals or farmers.
Do not travel to Britain or Northern Ireland unless absolutely necessary.
People returning from the UK should clean, disinfect or dryclean clothes worn there.
On returning from the UK, do not bring food into the State.
Visitors from Britain or Northern Ireland should postpone their visit unless absolutely necessary.
If you have been on a farm in Britain or Northern Ireland, present yourself to the Department of Agriculture office on your arrival in the State.
Ensure that shoes and clothes worn in the UK are disinfected or drycleaned.
Ensure personal disinfection: shower, wash hair and scrub under nails.
Ensure that your vehicle is disinfected.
Once back in the State, do not travel to the countryside or mix with farm animals.
If travel to the countryside is unavoidable, do not mix with farm animals for five days.