Aer Rianta reports £38.3 million profit

Airport operator Aer Rianta made an after tax profit of £38

Airport operator Aer Rianta made an after tax profit of £38.3 million last year, its highest ever profit the company said today.

Passenger traffic at the three airports operated by Aer Rianta - Dublin, Shannon and Cork - amounted to 18 million in 2000, an increase of 9 per cent on 1999.

Passenger traffic at Dublin Airport grew by 8 per cent to 13.8 million, an increase of one million over 1999. For the seventh successive year, traffic at Dublin grew by more than one million. Passenger traffic through Dublin is expected to top 20 million by 2006.

Aer Rianta said 2000 was a difficult year for passengers and is taking measures to improve facilities at its airports. Over £120 million will be spent at its three airports every year over the next five years in infrastructural developments.


Turnover increased by 14 per cent to £335 million the highest recorded by the company. Aer Rianta International, Great Southern Hotels and other associates generated 44 per cent of overall profit, the company said.

The year 2000 was the first full year without duty free for passengers travelling within the EU. Aer Rianta estimated this led to a £33 million shortfall in profits from duty free sales.