Agency seeks help for traumatised children

Children traumatised by seeing their mothers being beaten by their fathers need special help, says Barnardos, the independent…

Children traumatised by seeing their mothers being beaten by their fathers need special help, says Barnardos, the independent childcare agency.

The effect on children can include depression, bed wetting, fears and phobias, a policy document published yesterday says. Aggression and anxiety can also be high in such children.

Children growing up in violent homes can continue to have psychological problems when they are in college.

The Barnardos recommendations include:


Specialised counselling services for children seriously traumatised by family violence.

Skilled childcare workers in each refuge.

Refuges continuing to help children after they leave.

More refuge places made available, and services for people who suffer family violence but do not use refuges.

Barnardos chief executive Mr Owen Keenan said there is a need for a thorough study of family violence.