Ahern France visit 'clashes' with rugby

The Taoiseach and three ministers will be in France later this week on official business to coincide with the Rugby World Cup…

The Taoiseach and three ministers will be in France later this week on official business to coincide with the Rugby World Cup clash between the two countries in Paris.

Bertie Ahern is scheduled to hold talks with new French president Nicolas Sarkozy, probably on Friday.

However his itinerary may be affected by the Mahon tribunal, where he is expected to undergo a third day of questioning on Thursday.

The tribunal has not officially confirmed that the Taoiseach will continue his evidence on Thursday.


Mr Ahern is scheduled to inaugurate the restored library in the Irish College in the French capital and later attend the Ireland Fund Dinner.

Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment Micheál Martin will begin a three-day Enterprise Ireland networking visit to France on Thursday.

Minister for Arts, Sport and Tourism Seamus Brennan will be in Paris on Friday to attend a luncheon with tourism industry officials at the Irish College and will later hold talks with the French Travel Association.

Food and Horticulture Minister Trevor Sargent will host a trade reception on behalf of Bord Bia for key French buyers of Irish food produce on Friday.

The Ireland rugby team plays France in the Stade de France in Paris suburb Saint Denis on Friday evening.