Ahern outlines 'vision' for future of State

The Taoiseach has said that a clean environment and sustainable development are "fundamental to my vision of this country moving…

The Taoiseach has said that a clean environment and sustainable development are "fundamental to my vision of this country moving ahead, providing a high quality of life in a dynamic economy".

The Government would publish a report soon on Ireland's "good progress" towards fulfilling the commitments made at the Earth Summit 10 years ago, in preparation for the UN Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg this autumn, Mr Ahern said.

Speaking at the Ballygowan/ ECO Young Environmentalists Awards presentation in Dublin yesterday, he added: "As I face into a new term of office as Taoiseach, I certainly am determined to build on the progress made in recent years".

The success of the 15c levy on plastic bags had highlighted a greater level of awareness among the public that the environment was "everybody's business" and also showed that the message that it was easy to make a difference was getting through.


The Taoiseach also welcomed the strong representation from Northern Ireland in this year's awards, with a team from St Patrick's Girls Academy winning the senior supreme award while its junior equivalent went to the Belfast Model School for Girls.

The winning projects were RAP (Recycling Aluminium and Paper), based on a waste management plan for the school, and a campaign called "Wake up you lazy bones, Get on your Feet!" which focused on the use of fossil fuels, especially by cars.

An environmental initiative for 12- to 18-year-olds, the awards scheme is aimed at schools, youth groups and youth clubs throughout Ireland.

The winning projects are being exhibited at Enfo, in St Andrew Street, Dublin, until June 7th.

Frank McDonald

Frank McDonald

Frank McDonald, a contributor to The Irish Times, is the newspaper's former environment editor