Ahern seeks national dialogue on EU Constitution

The Government today published information material on the European Constitution ahead of tomorrow's historic formal signing …

The Government today published information material on the European Constitution ahead of tomorrow's historic formal signing in Rome of the Treaty establishing the Constitution.

The European Constitution documents - a short  information leaflet and a more detailed explanatory guide - will be circulated in schools, public offices, libraries; posted on the Government website; and sent to community organisations around the country.

Mr Ahern also announced that the Government will publish a White Paper on the European Constitution next year. But he stressed that "our national constitution remains the basic legal document in the State".

Publishing the material in Dublin today, the Taoiseach said the documents will help inform people about the European Constitution as well as foster an informed debate.


The European Constitution was agreed during Ireland's Presidency of the EU earlier this year. It replaces all of the existing EU treaties and provides a new legal basis for the 25 members States.

The member states have to ratify the European Constitution in accordance with their domestic procedures before November 1st, 2006.  A  referendum on an amendment to the Irish Constitution will have to take place.

Mr Ahern did not give a date for the referendum, saying it will take place "somewhere between now and  October 31st, 2006."  Before then, it is essential there is a national dialogue on the  issues based on clear and accurate information, he said.

Mr Ahern said he believed there is strong support among the 25 members states that the  European Constitution would be ratified, and he believes Ireland is one of the best informed countries on the matter - partly due to Ireland's recent presidency of the EU and the EU Convention work.

The Taoiseach will travel to Rome tomorrow for the formal signing of the Treaty.