Airport criticised on access

The Labour Party has accused the Government and the Dublin Airport Authority of breaking their commitments to passengers with…

The Labour Party has accused the Government and the Dublin Airport Authority of breaking their commitments to passengers with disabilities by guaranteeing only one of the two promised air bridges at the new terminal building at Cork airport.

The revelation that only one air bridge is certain for the €140 million terminal currently under construction at Cork airport was made at a meeting of the Airport Consultative Committee last Friday.

Cork airport manager Pat Keohane announced that a proposed second air bridge would be subject to the approval of the Dublin Airport Authority when it reviews its budget.

Cork Labour Party TD Kathleen Lynch said she was "startled" by the news, particularly as the Oireachtas Transport Committee previously was told that the new terminal in Cork airport would have two air bridges connecting the building to planes for ease of boarding and disembarking.


Ms Lynch said air bridges were vital for access for disabled people who used wheelchairs.