Algerian coalition agreed

ALGIERS - Algeria's former sole ruling National Liberation Front (FLN), seen recently as a spent force, is expected to share …

ALGIERS - Algeria's former sole ruling National Liberation Front (FLN), seen recently as a spent force, is expected to share power in a governing coalition with President Liamine Zeroual's main backers, political sources said.

Politicians bargained over a new government line up after last week's parliamentary election in which the National Democratic Rally (RND), grouping Zeroual supporters, emerged with most seats 155 - in the 380-member National Assembly. The FLN. which survived in-fighting and bitter criticism over the discredited legacy of its 30-year socialist rule, ranked third with 64 seats.

The Islam-oriented Movement of Society for Peace (MSP) won 69 seats to emerge as the second party. with the Islamist-leaning Nahda party winning 34 seats.