All the fun of the fringe

The annals of Limerick, distilled by playwright Mike Finn, have been packing in audiences in that city over the summer

The annals of Limerick, distilled by playwright Mike Finn, have been packing in audiences in that city over the summer. Depicting landmarks such as the Boer War, the Limerick Soviet and the Emergency through the prism of individual experience, Island Theatre's ensemble production, Pigtown, connects the local to the international.

The curtain rises on its Dublin debut, in the Dublin Fringe Festival, on Wednesday (SFX, 8 p.m. until October 14th).

Other Fringe openings this week include Corn Exchange's Foley by Michael West, Upstate Theatre's The Countrywoman by Paul Smith. Visiting companies to watch are Volcano Theatre from Britain with Macbeth: Director's Cut by Nigel Charnock New York City Players with House, written and directed by the multi-award winning Richard Maxwell and Finland's Kartutunen company with Digital Duende, a danced encounter for two men, looking at Finnish perceptions of being Spanish. Booking for all events at: 1850 374 643 and the box office is at Temple Bar Square.