Ambitious, populist figure had powerful enemies

DASHING, PHOTOGENIC and politically ambitious, Bo Xilai looked for a couple of years like he was the future of the Communist …

DASHING, PHOTOGENIC and politically ambitious, Bo Xilai looked for a couple of years like he was the future of the Communist Party.

However, his showy style and populism earned him powerful enemies, including Chinese president Hu Jintao and premier Wen Jiabao.

By flirting with the cult of personality, something that has been a no-go since the time of Mao, and by flaunting his power and wealth through his son Bo Guagua, Mr Bo appears to have sealed his fate.

Comments on the Twitter-style Sina Weibo website were a mixture of disbelief and anger.


“I remember Bo in the old days: what a great image he had but there was so much dirty stuff going on,” was one comment.

Another commenter said: “This is dog eat dog among politicians. Who doesn’t have several mistresses these days, or huge money from bribery? Everyone is corrupt. Everyone is after sex. At least Bo did something by cracking down on the mafia, building a Chongqing that everyone can enjoy.”

Clifford Coonan

Clifford Coonan

Clifford Coonan, an Irish Times contributor, spent 15 years reporting from Beijing