Anger at age restriction in tour guide adverts

A State jobs advertisement restricting applicants to people aged under 65 has been described as "astonishing" by Age Action Ireland…

A State jobs advertisement restricting applicants to people aged under 65 has been described as "astonishing" by Age Action Ireland. Alison Healy reports.

The advertisement, by the Office of Public Works and the Department of the Environment, sought tour guides at heritage sites throughout the State.

While it said it was "looking for people of all ages", a note at the bottom of the advertisement said candidates must be between 18 and 65 on March 1st next year.

"We are very angry about this as this is discrimination for no reason," said Mr Paul Murray, spokesman for Age Action Ireland. He said the job of tour guide was ideal for many older people as they had lived through many major events, and often had a greater sense of history than some younger people.


In February, the then Minister for Finance, Mr McCreevy, said the mandatory retirement age of 65 would be removed for most public and civil servants. But under the Employment Equality Act, amended this year, there is an exemption which allows employers to set retirement dates. An OPW spokesman stressed that the advertisements were fully within the law.

A spokesman for the Equality Authority said the agency intended to look into the issue.