Angling Notes

Three weeks into the season and, as yet, the lucrative prize to promote the survival of spring salmon remains unclaimed

Three weeks into the season and, as yet, the lucrative prize to promote the survival of spring salmon remains unclaimed. The Central Fisheries Board and Marine Institute continue to offer a £2,000 reward for the first wild salmon caught and released - with the money going to a charity of the angler's choice.

The prize also includes two days' angling, with a partner, on the famous Burrishoole and Erriff fisheries in Co Mayo. To qualify, simply photograph, authenticate at time of capture and release unharmed the fish back into the wild.

Dr Paddy Gargan and Ms Josie Coleman are co-ordinating this innovative scheme and both may be contacted at Balnagowan, Mobhi Boreen, Glasnevin, Dublin 9. Email:

Three salmon were reported on opening day (January 17th) from the River Laune, Co Kerry, with Anthony Jones recording the first fish of 11 1/2 lb on a spinner. The River Drowes accounted for 10 salmon up to Thursday last, the heaviest, 10 1/2 lb,was caught by Eddie McFadden from Ballyshannon, Co Donegal.


I look forward each year to receiving a copy of the annual report from the Dublin Trout Anglers' Association (DTAA). Always packed with information from its many fisheries, the report is a credit to Mr Ronnie Miley who, as honorary secretary, remains a major driving force in maintaining the association as one of the most prestigious and progressive clubs in Ireland.

Established in 1929, the DTAA continues to grow from strength to strength. Last year, senior membership reached the limit of 275 and juvenile affiliations increased to 71 - up 11 on the previous year. Good news on the pollution front for River Liffey anglers. The effluent discharge from Osberstown sewage works is expected to cease with the proposed construction of a tertiary treatment plant due for commissioning in March.

"It will be interesting to see how the angling improves. Up to now reports indicate a complete lack of fish in this section of river," says Mr Miley.

The a.g.m. of the DTAA will take place on Friday, February 4th, in Sachs Hotel, Donnybrook, at 7.45 pm. As admission is limited to members and invitees of the committee. Please bring identification.

Tomorrow at Rathbeggan Lakes Trout Fishery, the last of first round Stena Line and Cortland winter league matches take place. Limited vacancies are still available for the two-person team event. Fishing starts at 10 am. Contact fishery at 01824 0197 today to participate.

Dates for the diary: Dublin Angling Initiative Exhibition - Sunday, March 5th, in Howth Angling Centre. Coaching in different angling disciplines will feature prominently. For details, contact Godfrey Donohue at 01-837 9206 or 087-674 0214.

Correspondence and fishy photographs to The Irish Times, D'Olier Street, Dublin 2. Fax: 679 1881. Email: