Angling Notes

While angling may be back on an even keel in Ireland after the foot-and-mouth crisis, vigilance must remain a priority in light…

While angling may be back on an even keel in Ireland after the foot-and-mouth crisis, vigilance must remain a priority in light of the recent outbreaks in Britain. Nevertheless, legacies of the shutdown early in the season still linger on in this country.

For example, a submission from the Central Fisheries Board on the issue of importing live bait from Britain was discussed at a recent meeting of the Foot and Mouth Disease Expert Group. Its recommendation is that worms for use by anglers can be imported from Britain. However, maggots and other ground baits cannot be imported from Britain until further notice.

The Department of Agriculture, with responsibility for ports and airports, has received notification of this, as has the Department of Marine.

Although the number of anglers fishing was lower than normal (a hangover from the foot and mouth crisis), the Blackwater Lodge Fisheries has recorded 538 salmon this season, including 160 for June and 118 for July. The flood in mid-August ensured a good month, with 208 salmon and grilse to 13.8 lb, including 18 in a week for an Italian angler.


September also got off to a good start with 19 fish on the first day and prospects for the coming weeks are good, according to Mr Ian Powell, proprietor of the lodge. For availability, check availability.htm

Alan Roy and Dominique Lautier had a great day's sharing aboard John Brittain's boat Blue Water out from Clifden, Co Galway, last week. Fishing off Slyne Head, the two anglers accounted for 10 shark. Biggest fish went to Alan with a beautiful blue, calculated at 120 lb. Best fish honours went to Dominique from France with a rare porbeagle which, although just over one metre, weighed about 55 lb.

The Lough Arrow International Fly Fishing Festival will take place from September 20th to 23rd, with qualifying heats on Thursday, Friday, Saturday and final on Sunday 23rd, followed by a gala prize-giving dinner in Markree Castle.

Lough Arrow is one of the outstanding brown trout fisheries in Ireland. The wild trout average 1 lb and fish to 6 lb are not uncommon on fly due to the rich feeding of this limestone water.

For further details and entry form, contact Gamma Shannon, North West Tourism, Temple Street, Sligo. Tel: 071-61201. Fax: 071-60360.

The Fisherman

Two anglers are fishing in a boat under a bridge.

One looks up and sees a funeral procession starting across the bridge.

He stands up, takes off his cap and bows his head.

The procession crosses the bridge and the man puts on his cap, picks up his rod and reel and continues fishing.

The other guy says: "That was touching. I didn't know you had it in you."

The first guy responds: "Well, I guess it was the thing to do - after all, I was married to her for 40 years."

Angling Notes will appear next on September 29th.