Animals keyboard player found dead

Rock star and former Animals keyboard player Dave Rowberry has died, a fellow band member has said.

Rock star and former Animals keyboard player Dave Rowberry has died, a fellow band member has said.

Drummer John Steel said he was found in his flat, where he lived alone, on Friday.

He had suffered heart problems and Steel said he thought he had probably suffered a heart attack.

Steel, part of the 60s group whose hits included Got To Get Out Of This Place, said he had been trying to get hold of Rowberry, 62, but started to panic when he did not answer the phone.


Animals bassist Jim Rodford drove up from St Albans, Hertfordshire this morning to find out what was wrong and found Rowberry lying dead in his flat in Hackney, east London.

Police were called to break down the door so paramedics could get in, Steel said.

The band had recently regrouped and formed Animals and Friends. They played their last gig in South Shields on Monday night.

Steel said: "We found Dave again three years ago and these last few years have been fun.

"He has been having a great time but he wasn't in the best of health. Dave had some heart problems and it was understood he could pop off any time."