Annan condemns soldier's killing

The United Nations Secretary-General, Mr Kofi Annan, yesterday condemned the killing of an Irish UN peacekeeper in southern Lebanon…

The United Nations Secretary-General, Mr Kofi Annan, yesterday condemned the killing of an Irish UN peacekeeper in southern Lebanon, and called on Israel to ensure the UN force was not attacked again, a UN spokesman said.

Private William Kedian, a member of the Irish contingent of the UN Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL), was killed on Sunday by a mortar round fired by the pro-Israeli South Lebanon Army.

UN officials in Lebanon said one of the SLA shells landed inside the UN post at Barasheet, killing Private Kedian (22) and wounding Privates Roland Rushe (23), and Darren Clarke (20).

"The secretary-general condemns this attack against United Nations personnel and calls on the Government of Israel to take all necessary measures to ensure that the Israel Defence Force and their local Lebanese auxiliary respect the non-combatant status of UNIFIL," spokesman Mr Fred Eckhard said. He added that Mr Annan was saddened at the news and expressed "his deep condolences to the bereaved family and to the Government of Ireland."