Another migrant child goes missing from care

A 16-year-old Georgian girl has become the 58th migrant child to disappear from health board care in just over a year.

A 16-year-old Georgian girl has become the 58th migrant child to disappear from health board care in just over a year.

The disappearance of Erna Isayeava from her residence in Ronanstown, Dublin, has prompted fresh concern over the welfare of unaccompanied minors and whether they are receiving sufficient supervision and care.

Gardaí in Ronanstown are seeking information on the girl, as well as the whereabouts of Moldovan, South African and east European children who have disappeared from care in west Dublin in recent months.

Experts suggest that about 10 per cent of unaccompanied minors coming into Ireland are the subject of investigation in relation to criminal smuggling or trafficking by adults.


Most children who arrive as asylum-seekers or unaccompanied minors stay in hostels which are outside the remit of the Social Services Inspectorate.

The Irish Refugee Council yesterday expressed concern at the scale of the problem and questioned whether authorities were treating the problem seriously.

"If it was a small handful it would be worrying, but alarm bells should be going off given that dozens of children are disappearing," said Peter O'Mahony, the council's chief executive.

"While it's understandable that authorities don't want them in detention settings, it's clear there is a need for far greater monitoring and support."

A spokesman for the eastern region of the Health Service Executive, which has responsibility for most unaccompanied minors, said the problem was being taken seriously.

He said about 15 of the 58 missing children had been located with the help of gardaí and the HSE was working closely with authorities to locate the remainder of the children.

The spokesman said that while health services were playing "catch-up" in providing services to unaccompanied minors, there had been substantial improvements in recent years.

Meanwhile, gardaí searching for the missing girl say she is 1.67m (5ft 5in) tall, of slim build with brown eyes and dark brown hair. They believe she may have travelled to the Galway area.

Anyone with any information is asked to contact gardaí at Ronanstown on 01-6667700

Carl O'Brien

Carl O'Brien

Carl O'Brien is Education Editor of The Irish Times. He was previously chief reporter and social affairs correspondent