Anti-war activist guilty of attacking US plane

An anti-war activist   has been convicted causing over  €1

An anti-war activist   has been convicted causing over  €1.5 million worth of damage to a US navy plane at Shannon airport last year.

The jury found Ms Mary Kelly (52) guilty of criminal damage by a majority verdict. She attacked the plane with an axe on January 29 th, 2003.

The six-day trial in Ennis heard that the Boeing 737 was en route from Fort Worth in Texas to a military logistics base in Italy, carrying spare parts and spare tyres.

Ms Kelly will be sentenced tomorrow by Judge Carroll Moran.


Speaking after the case, Ms Kelly - who represented herself during the trial - read from a statement outside Ennis courthouse.

"I am saddened by the verdict, but not surprised, I did my very best to show the jury the true facts around this case. My defence was hindered and closed down from the beginning by the trial judge.

"Under the circumstances, the jury could hardly have found the truth of the matter regarding my innocence or guilt. They are not to blame for this. The case will go to appeal and the final verdict has not yet been spoken."

The trial was punctuated by heated exchanges between Ms Kelly and Judge Carroll Moran in the absence of the jury over the judge's refusal to allow expert witnesses to testify.

Ms Kelly argued in court that she had lawful excuse to damage the planes as she was trying to save lives in Iraq.

The trial was the second time that Ms Kelly has gone on trial for the offence. In June 2003, a jury failed to reach a verdict in the case.