Any ceasefire 'in Israeli hands' - Gaza leader

The key to a ceasefire with Palestinian militants is in Israel's hands, said a Gaza strongman in an interview published today…

The key to a ceasefire with Palestinian militants is in Israel's hands, said a Gaza strongman in an interview published today.

Mr Mohammed Dahlan, who holds no official position but who commands a loyal following in Gaza, told the Israeli Yediot Ahronotdaily that halting four years of violence with Israel will not be the first priority of the post-Arafat leadership.

"If you want, there will be a ceasefire. If you don't want, there won't be. The key is in your hands," he was quoted as saying, blaming Israel for the breakdown of previous ceasefires.

"But a ceasefire is not the first stage. We are building a new house now from the foundations. That is the first task," he said.


A ceasefire declared in 2003 by Palestinian forces broke down after a few weeks as both sides resumed attacks.

Mr Dahlan indicated that Mr Arafat's passing presents an opportunity for the various Palestinian groups to patch up their strained relations. He is expected to hold a key position of power in the post-Arafat Palestinian power structure, though it is not known if he will enter the cabinet.

In the interview, conducted Wednesday in Ramallah, Dahlan indicated it was unlikely Palestinian forces would crack down on militant groups as demanded by Israel and the United States.

Hamas and Islamic Jihad are responsible for most of the more than 100 suicide bombings against Israelis during the conflict.

He appealed to Israel to allow the Palestinians to hold elections within 60 days, as set out in Palestinian law. "The next president cannot receive legitimacy from Israel or America," he said, "but only from our street, from the refugee camps", and population centres.

The speaker of the Palestinian parliament, Mr Rawhi Fattouh, has taken over as interim president of the Palestinian Authority, but he has little popular support.

Mr Arafat's longtime deputy as head of the Palestine Liberation Organisation, Mr Mahmoud Abbas, is expected to run for president, and the current premier, Mr Ahmed Korei, is also expected to play a significant role in the new leadership.