Ape goes walkabout in Dublin Zoo

An adventurous orang-utan went on-the-run today in Dublin Zoo making a bold bid for freedom after 24 years in captivity.

An adventurous orang-utan went on-the-run today in Dublin Zoo making a bold bid for freedom after 24 years in captivity.

Normally protective mother Maggie left her baby Mujur behind and managed to enjoy an hour on the loose wandering around in front of her enclosure.

Zookeepers believe the 26-year-old ape made a long stretch for branches at the edge of the compound, grabbed a wall and climbed over at around midday.

The alarm was raised within minutes but it was an hour before zookeepers managed to confront Maggie and shoot her with a tranquilliser dart gun.


Seeing the error of her daring escape attempt the unharmed but groggy Maggie slowly made her way back to the enclosure.

A spokeswoman for the zoo said Maggie spent the evening sleeping off the effects of the sedatives. “Having been in the same habitat for 24 years she seemingly decided she would make her way out,” the zoo spokeswoman said.

“She reached branches, climbed a wall and spent around one hour wandering about the vicinity of the enclosure.” It is not known why the normally protective Maggie, who weighs a trim 34 kilos, decided to leave her two-and-a-half-year-old baby behind and swing for freedom.

Dublin Zoo insisted there had not been any rows or fights involving the other two adult orang-utans in the enclosure. “Access to the zoo was restricted to ensure the safety of both the public and the animals,” the spokeswoman said.

“Measures have been taken to ensure that she cannot escape from her habitat again. At no time was there any danger to the public and Dublin Zoo regularly carries out drills to prepare staff for just this sort of eventuality.”

A number of school groups were in the zoo when the ape broke free but were kept well out of danger until Maggie returned to her enclosure.

Orang-utans are not considered aggressive animals and the zoo stressed no visitors were in any danger. Dublin Zoo management will carry out an investigation into the escape in the coming weeks.