Arafat ends arduous tour

Ramallah - The Palestinian President, Mr Yasser Arafat, yesterday concluded a punishing four-day tour to Vienna, Casablanca and…

Ramallah - The Palestinian President, Mr Yasser Arafat, yesterday concluded a punishing four-day tour to Vienna, Casablanca and Ankara garnering support for the Palestinian position on Jerusalem and withdrawal from the West Bank, Michael Jansen reports.

On camera Mr Arafat looks ill, suffering the tremors of Parkinson's disease or another neurological disorder. But in setpiece meetings with world leaders he seems to hold his own.

A source in the Palestinian Legislative Council said that "he wastes time and energy on trivial affairs because he refuses to delegate authority". But he did not take decisions on major matters, such as the deadlock in the negotiations with Israel or a long-overdue cabinet reshuffle. Dr Hanan Ashrawi, Minister of Higher Education, said: "If there is no reshuffle by next Thursday there will be a constitutional crisis."