Arkansas pardon for Keith Richards

US: Rolling Stones lead guitarist Keith Richards has been promised a pardon for an old traffic offence - courtesy of a fan, …

US: Rolling Stones lead guitarist Keith Richards has been promised a pardon for an old traffic offence - courtesy of a fan, Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee.

Richards was fined $162.20 (€128.74) for reckless driving in 1975 after being stopped 113km south of Little Rock.

His car swerved when he tried to adjust the radio, he claimed, but police smelled marijuana and took him and three others to jail. All were freed after a Stones lawyer posted bond, and Richards paid the fine by post.

The governor, an amateur guitar player, suggested that Richards apply for a pardon when they met in March. "I realised that his impression of our state was marred by a misdemeanour traffic stop. I wanted to clear his record in Arkansas as a goodwill gesture."