Arms body says IRA has not detailed decommissioning plan

Northern Ireland's decommissioning body has released a report saying the IRA has not detailed how it plans to put its weapons…

Northern Ireland's decommissioning body has released a report saying the IRA has not detailed how it plans to put its weapons beyond use.


report ]

also says there have been no new moves by loyalists groups the UFF and the UVF to dispose of their weapons.

We have been unable to ascertain how the IRA will put its arms beyond use, except for the assurance that it will be complete and verifiable
Northern Ireland's decommissioning body

In its latest report on talks with the paramilitaries, General John de Chastelain's commission said while a second deadline for decommissioning had elapsed, it would continue its work despite calls for it to withdraw from the process.


Mr David Trimble resigned yesterday as the Northern Ireland's First Minister, citing the IRA's refusal to disarm. His resignation was formally announced in the Northern Ireland Assembly this morning.

The commission confirmed it had asked the IRA "in a number of lengthy meetings since March" to provide it with information of how it intends to disarm.

The report, released by the Irish and British Governments, said: "In each of our meetings we have been assured of the IRA's commitment to put its arms beyond use, completely and verifiably but only in the context of its statement of May 6th, 2000.

"Taken in conjunction with the continued maintenance of the July 1997 ceasefire and the opening of some IRA arms dumps to inspections by the International Inspectorate, we believe that this conditional commitment is made in good faith.

"We have, however, been unable to ascertain how the IRA will put its arms beyond use, except for the assurance that it will be complete and verifiable.

"The IRA has taken note of our need for this information but until we know what method will be used, we cannot judge if it meets our remit."

The commission said the IRA's representative had expressed an eagerness to continue with his engagement with the commission.

It also said the commission had been asked by the two Governments to consider alternatives to the two decommissioning methods already approved.

"We have done so and we have made clear to the IRA representative that we would welcome suggestions in this regard."

In their talks with loyalists, the Ulster Freedom Fighters representatives told the commission that while they were not withdrawing previous statements on disarmament, it would be difficult to discuss decommissioning them while some of their members were being interned.

The group was referring to the revoking of the early prisoner release licence and imprisonment of Johnny Adair last year and his associate, Gary Smith last week.

The other main loyalist group, the Ulster Volunteer Force said it would not consider disarming until it knew what the IRA's plans were and had a declaration that that group's campaign was over.

The commission concluded: "Given the conditions the IRA, UVF and UFF say they require before they will put their arms beyond use, we believe we cannot influence that activity by making demands or by setting deadlines.

"But we will continue to do what we can to implement our mandate through continuing contact and discussion with each of the three paramilitary groups, insisting that the objectives of the legislation calling for arms to be rendered permanently inaccessible or permanently unusable are respected.

"We will do so mindful that this contentious issue must be resolved as soon as possible."

Irish and British government officials today begin preparations for an intense round of negotiations on the outstanding problems in the North's political process.

The talks will be chaired by the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mr Cowen and Northern Ireland Secretary Dr John Reid, later this week.

  • The Northern Ireland Parades Commission will decide today on whether to allow the Orange Order down the Garavaghy Road in its annual Drumcree parade.

A spokeswoman for the commission said the relevant parties involved would be informed later today but the decision would not be made public until tomorrow morning.