Associates of dead man claim £70,000 is missing

Patrick Farrell, the drug trafficker shot dead in Drogheda last September, had £70,000 in cash which is now missing, his former…

Patrick Farrell, the drug trafficker shot dead in Drogheda last September, had £70,000 in cash which is now missing, his former associates believe. Gardai believe a car bomb planted close to the offices of a taxi firm run by relatives of a woman who died with Mr Farrell may have been connected to the allegedly missing money.

The naked body of Mr Farrell (49) was found on the bed of his girlfriend, Lorraine Farrell (29), in Boyle O'Reilly Terrace, Drogheda, on September 10th. Her body was also in the room. Gardai believe Ms Farrell shot him and then turned a double-barrelled shotgun on herself.

Mr Farrell's green Mercedes E series car, estimated to be worth between £70,000 and £80,000, was parked outside.

After his death immediate concern was expressed about Mr Farrell's personal belongings. Gardai did not recover a wallet from the terraced house in which he met his death, nor did they find a case containing personal documents and cash Mr Farrell's family claims he always carried with him.


Mr Farrell is not thought to have stopped off anywhere between Newry and Drogheda on the morning of Wednesday, September 10th. Witnesses say he arrived at about 11 a.m. and when Lorraine's mother and step-father arrived home at tea-time, the Mercedes was still parked on the footpath outside the house.

The car had been bought in London during the summer and was returned to his widow, Mrs Anne Farrell, after she provided evidence it was the property of her late husband.

Patrick Farrell had planned to leave Lorraine and move with his wife and three children to a home he had purchased in Florida.

The bomb at the taxi firm partly exploded two days after the shootings and was claimed by the LVF, but gardai believe criminal associates of Patrick Farrell were responsible. These associates are understood to have told the Farrell family in Drogheda that they wanted the money.

Patrick Farrell owned a large amount of property in Newry and London, as well as an apartment in Ballsbridge. The Criminal Assets Bureau has been looking into his affairs.

At the inquest into his death in Drogheda Coroner's Court last week, his widow was visibly upset as evidence was heard that her husband died from a single shotgun blast to the head fired at close range.

The inquest into the death of Lorraine Farrell was adjourned. There were medical certificates excusing her sister who identified her body. No members of her family were present although they had a solicitor. The County Coroner, Mr Ronan Maguire, said an inquest should never proceed in the absence of the family of the deceased and adjourned it until next year.