ATM firm defends cash outlet in Killarney pub

The firm that installed a cash machine in a pub in Killarney in Co Kerry has denied it will lead to increased underage drinking…

The firm that installed a cash machine in a pub in Killarney in Co Kerry has denied it will lead to increased underage drinking.

Mr Mark Roden, managing director of Easycash, denied putting cash machines in pubs was an attempt to exploit drinkers and said his company's main aim was to provide a sheltered, safe place for people to withdraw money.

A number of Kerry County Councillors have argued the machine should be removed from the pub, claiming it would encourage young people to spend more money on alcohol.

The proprietor of McSorley's bar and nightclub, Mr John Bowler, installed the dispenser and advertised it in a local newspaper as a "Drink Link". He later said he regretted describing the machine as such but insisted he would not be removing it from the foyer of his premises.


The trial run at McSorley's is part of a campaign by ten different firms to introduce ATMs to various retail and entertainment outlets throughout the Republic.

But Mr Roden of Easycash dismissed fears this competition could lead to increased charges for bank customers wishing to withdraw their money from the machines.

Competition was the best way of keeping charges for cash withdrawals down, he said, adding it was "extraordinary", given Ireland's economic progress, it had the third-lowest number of cash dispensers in Europe.