Attack `targeted Islamists'

Ankara - Turkish left-wing guerrillas exploded a car-bomb and opened fire on a Turkish prison van yesterday in an apparent attempt…

Ankara - Turkish left-wing guerrillas exploded a car-bomb and opened fire on a Turkish prison van yesterday in an apparent attempt to kill eight Islamist convicts being taken to court security officials said.Three gendarmerie police and a prisoner were wounded when the bomb was set off by remote control at a roadside in the province of Kirsehir."It would seem that the aim was to kill those inside the van," a security official commented. He said a flag of the Revolutionary People's Liberation Party-Front (DHKP-C) and cartridge cases from Kalashnikov rifles were found on a hill 40 metres from where the car-bomb exploded.The prisoners were being taken to Ankara where they face the death sentence in a trial for allegedly forming an armed group with the intention of changing turkey's secularist constitution. - (Reuter)