Aussie has finger amputated to help career

A top Australian Rules footballer has had a finger amputated to help save his sporting career.

A top Australian Rules footballer has had a finger amputated to help save his sporting career.

Hawthorn midfielder Daniel Chick decided to have his ring finger cut off because he kept dislocating it whenever he played and it was stalling his career, he said.

Chick first injured his finger three years ago and has had trouble with it ever since despite going under the surgeon's knife a year ago to try and repair the damage.

With no signs of the injury healing naturally, Chick was given the option of having the joints fused together or having his finger cut off.


As fusing the joints would have made it difficult to catch and pass the football, the 25-year-old decided to have the finger chopped between the knuckle and the first joint.

"I had only two options and I don't think fusing the finger would allow me to play the way I want to play," Chick said.

He was released from hospital yesterday and expects to resume training next month.