Autistic boys win cases over education

Two test cases by autistic children in which they sought to be educated according to the method of Applied Behavioural Analysis…

Two test cases by autistic children in which they sought to be educated according to the method of Applied Behavioural Analysis, which involves a one-to-one pupil/teacher ratio, have been settled at the High Court on terms which includes the State agreeing to fund such education.

The settlement also includes payment of £17,000 special damages to the children. The outcome of the cases is expected to have implications for some 50 other such cases. Approving the settlement, Mr Justice McCracken said it was in the best interests of the children.

The test cases were taken on behalf of two five-year-old autistic boys - Gary Prendergast, of Kildinan, Co Cork, and Marcus O'Donoghue, Commons Road, Cork - suing through their mothers.