Automobili Lamborghini

Nintemdo 64, £54.99

Nintemdo 64, £54.99

Mention Lamborghini and the mind begins to race. They are probably the most exotic of all sports cars. The Diablo is the latest from this supercar stable and the real thing lives up to all expectations (apparently). When Lamborghini and Nintendo join forces one would expect the end result to be nothing short of pulsating. Not so! Automobili Lamborghini is a fairly dull affair indeed.

The graphics are boring enough but to make matters worse they don't even give you a sense of speed. While the speedometer on your dashboard might indicate that you are hurtling along at over 300 kmh, you might as well be doing only 50 kmh, such are the poor effects.

It's not bad, however. The control stick allows for accurate control and the pit-stop feature gives the player more input. When you enter the pits you have to assist the crew and as a result you have a big say in the time taken for your pit stop. This is a nice idea but falls a long way short of saving this game from the non-starters. What a pity!


Graphics: 68%, Sound: 78%, Gameplay: 50%