Aviation authority to freeze staff salaries

THE IRISH Aviation Authority (IAA) has announced it is to freeze the salaries of staff and management from the end of this year…

THE IRISH Aviation Authority (IAA) has announced it is to freeze the salaries of staff and management from the end of this year to help its "airline customers weather the storm the global aviation industry is facing".

The authority, which provides air navigation services in Irish airspace, said pay increases for staff earning over €50,000 have been postponed for six months and its chief executive Eamonn Brennan is to take a 10 per cent pay cut.

It also said €30.5 million of projects that do not impact on safety or operations have been cancelled and that staffing requirements are to be re-evaluated in March.

The authority said the measures come as airlines in Ireland and abroad are "anticipating major dips in earnings" in a rapidly deteriorating market.


"Against this background, the board of the IAA took the decision to avoid making the situation more difficult for its airline customers and has put forward a range of measures to keep its costs under control," it said.

"The IAA is not proposing any cutbacks in either capital or staffing, but rather is taking a longer term view that takes clear account of the time it takes to deliver projects and train staff."

It said unions and staff have been informed and there is to be further discussion at a meeting on December 11th.

Steven Carroll

Steven Carroll

Steven Carroll is an Assistant News Editor with The Irish Times