Background to the commission

The Independent International Commission on Decommissioning was set up under the terms of the Belfast Agreement

The Independent International Commission on Decommissioning was set up under the terms of the Belfast Agreement. It is headed by Gen John de Chastelain, who is assisted in his task by Mr Tauno Nieminen and Mr Andrew D. Sens.

By signing the agreement, all parties reaffirmed their commitment to the "total disarmament" of all paramilitary organisations. The agreement states that the participants "also confirm their intention to continue to work constructively and in good faith with the Independent Commission, and to use any influence they may have, to achieve the decommissioning of all paramilitary arms within two years following endorsement in referendums North and South of the agreement and in the context of the implementation of the overall settlement". This deadline expires on May 22nd this year.

Following the conclusion of the Mitchell review, Gen de Chastelain issued a statement in December confirming that he had had an initial meeting with the IRA's interlocutor which had been "frank and useful".

Similar meetings had taken place with the UVF and the UFF's representatives. These meetings demonstrated "some progress" and the commission expected "more to follow", the general concluded. He said a further report would be presented in January.