Bail for man guilty of sexual assault on children

A CO Leitrim man was remanded on bail to April 7th by the Central Criminal Court yesterday after he admitted sexually assaulting…

A CO Leitrim man was remanded on bail to April 7th by the Central Criminal Court yesterday after he admitted sexually assaulting his two daughters and his son.

Defence counsel Mr Barry White SC said there appeared to be psychiatric difficulties with both the defendant and his wife and they were not living together.

The defendant was staying with his elderly parents and his wife was in care. Their three young children were also in care, said Mr White.

The 36 year old defendant, who cannot be named, pleaded guilty to sexually assaulting one of his daughters on an unknown date between January and November, 1992.


He also pleaded guilty to indecently assaulting her brother on an unknown date in 1993 and to sexually assaulting the second girl in September of that year. All the victims were under 15 at the time of the offences.

Initially, the defendant had pleaded not guilty to a total of eight counts which included charges of raping and having unlawful carnal knowledge of one of the girls.

A jury was sworn to try the case, but before the trial started the defendant was re arraigned and admitted the three offences.

Prosecution counsel Mr Peter Charleton SC told Mr Justice Flood these pleas were acceptable to the State.

The Director of Public Prosecutions could not consent to bail continuing in light of the seriousness of the offences, he said.

Applying for the remand on bail, Mr White said the defendant's father had entered into a £1,000 bail surety and the defendant had agreed to sign on twice weekly at a local Garda station.

He would not be in the vicinity of the victims or his wife as they were in care.

Mr White said his client had been assessed by a doctor acting for the defence.

The State had also been anxious to have the assistance of the director of the Central Mental Hospital, Dr Charles Smith. The defendant had initially agreed to co operate but changed his mind at the "eleventh hour".

Mr Justice Flood consented to the bail remand.

He warned she defendant that his bail would be revoked if he failed even once to sign on at the Garda station.