Bailey in dispute over redundancy

Mr Michael Bailey, the builder giving evidence to the Flood tribunal, is involved in a dispute over redundancy payments for staff…

Mr Michael Bailey, the builder giving evidence to the Flood tribunal, is involved in a dispute over redundancy payments for staff at the Riversdale Nursing Home in Palmerstown, Co Dublin.

Three care workers at the home picketed the tribunal briefly yesterday. The Labour Court is to hear the case on Monday.

A SIPTU assistant branch secretary, Mr Chris Rowlands, said the union had taken the Riversdale owners, Mr Michael Bailey and his brother, Jim, to the Labour Court because they were offering staff only statutory redundancy. He said most of the 32 care staff earned only £4.20p an hour and the nursing staff £8 an hour.

As staff were mainly part-time, Ms Rowlands said, the statutory redundancy would not tide them over until they found alternative jobs. There had been friction with management since SIPTU gained recognition at the home last year.


Ms Rowlands stressed that yesterday's picket had not been sanctioned by the union.

Mr Jim Bailey, who manages the home, said some care staff were paid more than £5 an hour and some nurses more than £8. He said the home had to close because it was making a loss.

A spokesman for Mr Michael Bailey said his client was not involved in the day-to-day management of Riversdale. His clients would give details of the home's financial situation at the hearing. Only 17 of the 26 beds had been occupied recently and, besides trading difficulties, the home had problems recruiting nursing staff. Alternative accommodation had been found for patients and the Baileys were hopeful of being able to meet any award made by the court.

SIPTU is seeking four weeks' pay for each year of service, plus statutory entitlements.