Barge wanders across the North

A massive Dutch barge travelled 50 miles across Northern Ireland yesterday taking down lamp posts, traffic signs and overhead…

A massive Dutch barge travelled 50 miles across Northern Ireland yesterday taking down lamp posts, traffic signs and overhead cables.

Operation Norman involved moving the 206-tonne barge by road from Lishally Docks on the outskirts of Derry to Toomebridge in Co Antrim. It presented members of the RUC's traffic branch with a potential logistical nightmare.

"It was the biggest operation of its kind we've ever had to supervise and it caused several logistical problems. We had to remove numerous lamp posts, traffic signs and overhead cables," said Chief Insp Graham Patterson.

But there was no other way. At 177 feet long, 20 feet wide and 23 feet high, the vessel was too long to fit into the navigation locks along the river Bann.


The Verandering (Dutch for Wandering) will be used in dredging operations on Lough Neagh.

Its purchaser, Mr George Emerson, said there were tears in the eyes of the barge's former Dutch owner, Mr Jan Meinen, who was born on the boat.

"The barge had been his home all his life, but he had to retire. He is now in his 70s and he and his wife, Janste, were glad to know it would continue as a working boat on Lough Neagh instead of being sold for scrap."