Beaumont hit by winter vomiting bug outbreak

Visitors are being asked to stay away from Beaumont Hospital in Dublin after the hospital was hit with an outbreak of the winter…

Visitors are being asked to stay away from Beaumont Hospital in Dublin after the hospital was hit with an outbreak of the winter vomiting bug.

Some 92 patients on 19 wards, along with a number of staff, have been affected by the norovirus outbreak. The hospital has cancelled all non-urgent inpatient elective procedures, although outpatient appointments have not been affected.

"We have taken and we continue to take all appropriate steps to combat the spread of this infection," a hospital spokesman said.

"But it is vitally important that we receive the co-operation of our patients' relatives and friends. To this end, visiting is only being allowed in exceptional circumstances and with the specific agreement of ward staff. Children should not be brought to the hospital in any circumstances."

the hospital is also asking people to visit their GPs where possible instead of attending Beaumont's emergency ddepartment, which has been particularly busy in the past week.